"Focusing on Mental Health "
Published on January 10, 2022The ongoing pandemic certainly brought many things to our realization. There is no denying that the pandemic added quite an amount of stress in all our lives. Adjusting to a new way of life always comes with a stress factor. The silver lining of the pandemic is that it lets us reflect on ourselves and our way of life. There is an increased interest in adopting a balanced and healthier lifestyle. More importantly, there is a renewed focus on mental wellness.
Often, when we talk about health/well-being, it is immediately associated with physical health. We tend to unintentionally ignore mental health problems. Most of the time, we tell ourselves or anyone who feels down that good sleep will reset the mood. Day by day, people are being more vocal about mental health problems, yet, it has taken a back seat. The emphasis we put on staying healthy stays limited to physical fitness.
What is it that we can do to change this perception? Firstly, we need to make the shift in ourselves. Do not ignore how you are feeling. Acknowledge the feeling and think about what actions you can take to feel better. It could be as simple as talking to your loved ones or taking a walk in the fresh air. This new year can be a good start to make sure you focus on a balanced lifestyle -a healthy, physically and mentally fit lifestyle.
Ways to Improving Mental Wellness
Realization: It can start with small steps – the first being realization. Pay attention to how every activity is making a change to your mental health. For example, when you jog every day, physical fitness is mostly our prime focus. But, a jog in the morning also makes you feel fresh and energized the entire day and uplifts your mood. The activity is not only affecting you physically, but also altering your mental and emotional wellbeing.
Habits: Focus on habits that uplift your mood. Practice stress reduction habits which help in better management of life’s daily stressors. Strengthen the mind to shift away from any addictions.
Journaling: Keep a journal to record all your thoughts and feelings. This helps in self-reflection.
Connect: Connect with like-minded people and vibe with their positivity. A diverse set of people enhance not just your mental wellbeing, but also your social wellbeing.
Nutritious food: A balanced diet plays a key role in making the body and mind feel good. Deficiency in certain minerals and vitamins can affect your mood. Ensure your diet includes all the nutrients and minerals.
Meditation: Meditate every day and focus on your breathing. This helps your body to relax and sharpen your focus.
These simple ways go a long way in improving your health and happiness. A well-rounded lifestyle keeps you motivated and helps you cope with any challenges you face in life. Enroll yourself to a breathing class which makes sure you are relieved from your daily stress and helps you relax your mind and body. Click here to sign up for an introductory breathing class with a partner organization - Breath Activators - that KellyKinetix is deeply involved with. If the day and time don't work for you, contact Kelly at info@kellykinetix.com and she can provide you with another great option!