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Beating The Midday Slump

Published on August 20, 2022

Do you feel your energy sag in the early to mid-afternoon?

In this blog we are going to talk about why taking a Nap during the day is essential and can be very beneficial. This new perspective of Nap can significantly improve your life quality.

There's a biological reason behind that slump we get.

We're biologically designed by evolution to sleep in a long, consolidated stretch throughout the night, and to take a brief period of rest in the middle of the day.
At around 1-3 p.m., our body temperature drops, and melatonin levels rise. Both are cues for sleep.

Even though our modern culture doesn't support daytime naps, it actually frowns upon them, our bodies remain hard-wired for a midday recharge.

Napping gets a bad rap in our culture. There's a stubborn perception that napping is a sign of laziness. In fact, it's just the opposite.

People who get the most out of napping are very driven and highly motivated. They want to get ahead, and they know that sleep plays a big part in performing at their best in daily life, at work, in relationships, in tackling challenges and goals both physically and mentally.

Naps are meant to provide a temporary recharge to your battery whereas sleep provides a complete reset.

The best nap length is anywhere from 10-90 minutes for adults.

Types of Naps

10-15 minute naps are referred to as power naps.

These short naps allow you to wake up feeling refreshed, energized, and alert.

To sweeten the deal, well-timed power naps have little to no impact on your nighttime slumber, so you can head to sleep at your usual bedtime without any difficulty dozing off.

90-minute naps allow you to cycle through all sleep stages while avoiding sleep inertia, since you're not waking up during deep sleep.

These naps can leave you feeling thoroughly rejuvenated, more creative, more focused, and more physically energized.

Following are some of the Benefits of napping, as part of a healthy sleep routine:

1. Increased alertness

Even a short nap can deliver a welcome boost in energy and alertness, according to a wealth of research.

2. Improves concentration and accuracy.

A well-timed nap can improve your focus and ability to concentrate.

Brain activity associated with concentration was as strong in the afternoon as in the morning. A short afternoon nap can improve accuracy, as well as provide a boost to short-term memory.

3. Help you make better decisions.

Naps can improve what's known as cognitive flexibility — that's your ability to shift your thinking among different concepts and be adaptive to new information.

This flexible thinking is critical to judgement and decision making.

4. Enhance memory and learning.

Sleep is critical to your capacity to learn, and to your brain's ability to process memory.

Naps can help to root newly learned information in the brain and can improve memory recall.

One study found that a 60-90-minute nap can aid learning as well as a full night of sleep.

A natural and non-invasive system that can greatly aid your ability to fall asleep quickly and get the best quality sleep, dreams and wake fully rested every day and even after naps is called Activated Breath.


KellyKinetix has partnered with Breath Activators ( ) to enhance people's abilities to perform.

Check out the link to learn about who Breath Activators are and what it is all about.

If you are intrigued, or have tried everything to aid your sleep and more with no luck:

Register for a FREE group event called Vanish Limitation at this link: